Why choose hyper-fast GC–TOF MS?
The HyperChrom GC when coupled with SepSolve’s BenchTOF2 MS overcomes these problems by offering cycle times up to 50 times faster than conventional GCs, and fast, sensitive, and selective detection, enabling analysts to achieve full sample characterisation (including screening of non-targets) in seconds.This is all achieved using lower elution temperatures for improved chromatography of thermally-labile compounds.
The hyper-fast GC–TOF MS approach is far superior to other fast screening techniques, such as direct MS, which brings compromises in terms of the number of analytes that can be reliably detected, low confidence in identification and optimisation challenges.

Fast acquisition speeds of BenchTOF2
make it the ideal partner for Hyperchrom GC, with full spectral information for
rapid, yet comprehensive, screening.
BenchTOF2’s reference-quality
spectra provide confident characterisation of the entire sample.
- Compounds elute from the GC at lower
temperatures, for reduced degradation of thermally-labile component.
- Sharp peaks and improved chromatographic resolution via patented thermal gradient technology.
- Short time to results and faster
method development.
Powerful data processing in
ChromSpace 1D, including deconvolution for reliable identification.
- Ideal for applications where fast
turnaround and accurate results are equally important, including:
- Rapid identification of drugs of
- Fast screening for trace explosives.
- Quality control of products (e.g.,
essential oils).