Aroma and flavour volatiles
Identifying trace-level
aroma-active compounds in foods and beverages
The volatile compounds present in foods
and beverages define the sensory experience, and knowing the exact composition
is vital for understanding consumer preferences and maintaining brand loyalty.
Within a particular sample, aroma-active
compounds from numerous classes are often present, and these may span a broad
range of concentrations.Conventional GC–MS can struggle with this, with a
particular difficulty being accurately identifying key compounds at trace
levels within complex matrices. Off-odours that negatively impact product
perception may also be missed.
Enhancing aroma and flavour
analyses with GCxGC–TOF MS
SepSolve’s GCxGC–TOF MS technology, combined with
advanced extraction and enrichment by Centri, addresses these challenges, providing
precise and actionable insights into aroma and flavour volatiles.
Key benefits include:
unattended analysis via cryogen-free, solvent-free
sampling of VOCs and SVOCs in gas, liquid or solid samples using the Centri platform.
Unmatched sensitivity, thanks to the combination of the
trap-based focusing and enrichment of Centri and the high sensitivity of the BenchTOF2 mass spectrometer. This enables accurate
detection and quantitation of trace volatiles, for better understanding of
aroma nuances and quality differences between products.
Enhanced separation by INSIGHT-Flow GCxGC for deeper insights into aroma
composition, enabling more accurate brand comparisons and accelerating the
development of new flavourings.
- Reliable identification thanks to the excellent spectral quality
and mass accuracy of BenchTOF2. This capability is further enhanced by
the complementary
spectra for similar isomers provided by Tandem Ionisation,
ensuring confident identification of challenging compounds.
- Quick chromatogram comparison enabled by ChromCompare+ software,
for easy assessment of brand differences and the identification of odour taints
Flexible configurations to address your application needs,
including the addition of sensory evaluation with GC–O or parallel detection using different
techniques, such as FID or SCD.