

How to characterise waste plastic pyrolysis oils

Characterise waste plastic pyrolysis oils efficiently with SepSolve's GC×GC-TOF MS. This method offers enhanced separation, fast analysis, and contaminant identification, supporting sustainable fuel development.


Petrochemical: Group-type analysis of hydrocarbons in aviation fuel

Group-type analysis of hydrocarbons in aviation fuel using ASTM Method D8396 and GC×GC-FID ensures efficient, accurate characterisation. SepSolve's technology enhances separation, speeds up reporting, doubles productivity, and offers retrofitting flexibility, simplifying quality control and supporting sustainable aviation fuel development.


How to analyse odours in post-consumer recycled plastics

What are post-consumer recycled plastics and how to analyse odours in post-consumer recycled plastics? Read how to overcome low sensitivity, poor detection of compounds and slow processes when analysing recycled plastics for bad smells.


Biomarker Discovery

A combination of thermal desorption, flow-modulated GCxGC, and TOF MS with Tandem Ionisation® is the ultimate package for high-throughput monitoring of bodily volatiles, with sample security ensured across a range of matrix types.


Cannabis Profiling

Coupling flow-modulated GCxGC with Tandem Ionisation® TOF MS provides robust quantitation for cannabis components, while also offering unparalleled detail on the terpenes that impart distinctive aromas and flavours.


Flavours & Fragrances

A sample extraction and enrichment platform automates sampling from a variety of foods, beverages and fragranced goods. Performance for analytes of all classes is further enhanced by flow-modulated GC×GC and Tandem Ionisation® TOF MS, with a user-friendly software interface.


Odours & Emissions

Combining thermal desorption with flow-modulated GC×GC and TOF MS allows single-run analysis of targets and non-target emissions from materials, with all aspects of instrument operation and data-analysis handled by easy-to-use software.


Petrochemical Fingerprinting

For advanced petrochemical applications, flow-modulated GC×GC handled through a powerful software platform allows repeatable analysis and precise characterisation for even the most complex samples, while being compatible with TOF MS, FID or SCD detection.


How to analyse total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)

Learn how to analyse total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) efficiently with GC×GC technology. Discover the benefits and overcome traditional challenges


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