Gas Chromatography

As well as being experts in conventional gas chromatography (GC), we're highly experienced at resolving complex mixtures using comprehensive two-dimensional (2D) GC (GCxGC), including the use of both flow and thermal modulation

Buy INSIGHT-Flow modulator for GCxGC
INSIGHT-Flow is a reverse fill/flush flow GCxGC modulator delivering robust, repeatable analyses, ideal for GC laboratories requiring routine, high-throughput analyses.
Buy INSIGHT-Thermal modulator for GCxGC
INSIGHT-Thermal is a cryogen-free delay loop modulator to provide the enhanced sensitivity and peak capacity needed to characterise trace-level compounds in complex matrices
Buy Hyper-fast GC–TOF MS
High-throughput screening with no compromise on data quality through the unbeatable combination of hyper-fast Hyperchrom GC with BenchTOF2 time-of flight MS.
Buy Phaser Pro olfactory detection port (ODP)
The Phaser Pro ODP for GC improves sensitivity and reliability in odour detection by using a temperature-programmable transfer line to prevent thermal degradation, enhancing accurate odour evaluation and detectability.

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