Pittcon 2019
24 January 2019
SepSolve Analytical’s experts will be highlighting key analytical challenges at Pittcon 2019 in the following oral and poster presentations:
- Enhanced confidence in routine monitoring of river water quality by passive sampling with GCxGC–TOF MS with Tandem Ionisation
Dr Laura McGregor (SepSolve Analytical)
Sunday 17 March (15:25–15:45)
Room 122B
- Automated aroma profiling of alcoholic beverages by GCxGC–TOF MS
Dr Laura McGregor (SepSolve Analytical)
Tuesday 19 March (11:05–11:25)
Room 124
- A flexible analytical platform for the discovery of biomarkers of disease
Abstract no. 1230-8
Tuesday 19 March (14:00–16:30)
Exposition Floor, back of aisles 1500–2300
- Confident profiling of cannabis terpenes by flow-modulated GCxGC
Abstract no. 1570-5
Wednesday 20 March (14:00–16:30)
Exposition Floor, back of aisles 1500–2300
- Determination of mineral oil saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons (MOSHs and MOAHs) in food contact materials
Abstract no. 2130-18
Thursday 21 March (14:00–16:30)
Exposition Floor, back of aisles 1500–2300