Markes International and SepSolve Analytical exhibit at the James B. Beam Institute, Annual Conference, 2025

27 February 2025

The mission of the James B. Beam Institute is to lead the global advancement of the American whiskey industry through workforce education, scientific discovery, environmental sustainability, community and social responsibility. 

To that end, 1200 distillers, researchers, distillery and supporting industry professionals come together at the Institute’s annual conference for three days of learning and information exchange in Kentucky's Signature industry.

Markes and SepSolve will be on booth 54, sharing how our technology and instruments are helping food and aroma scientists around the world to profile food and beverage aroma and flavours, and detect contaminants that can affect safety and quality.

This year it takes place on 17 to 19 March, in the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Massachusetts.

SepSolve’s Field Applications Specialist, Jonathan Grandy, will be giving a talk in the Pecha Kucha Session II on Wednesday: “Improved aroma profiling of whiskey with sorptive extraction and GCxGC–TOF MS”.

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