Exploring the flavour profiles of plant-based milk using sorptive extraction and GCxGC–TOF MS

Originally presented at HTC-18, 2024

The poster titled “Exploring the flavour profiles of plant-based milk using sorptive extraction and GCxGC–TOF MS” was presented by SepSolve Analytical at the 18th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography, Belgium, 28-31 May 2024.

The rapid growth in popularity of plant-based milk alternatives (derived from sources such as oats, almond, soy and coconut) has sparked heightened interest in understanding their flavour profiles.

This is a challenging prospect due to the diverse range of plant sources, processing methods, and sensory attributes that contribute to the overall taste experience and its influence on consumer preference.

This poster illustrates how HiSorb™ high-capacity sorptive extraction coupled with GCxGC and BenchTOF2 MS can provide detailed comparison of flavour profiles for different sources and brands of plant-based milk.



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Exploring the flavour profiles of plant-based milk using sorptive extraction and GCxGC–TOF MS