ChromCompare+ software familiarisation

What you will learn:

ChromCompare+ is a powerful, easy-to-use data mining and chemometrics platform to transform your complex 1D or 2D GC –MS data into meaningful and usable results, regardless of your application or GC–MS platform.

This free introductory course is ideal for new users of ChromCompare+ to familiarise themselves with the software through short tutorial videos.

  • Learn how to create and apply chemometric projects, for both targeted and untargeted analysis.
  • Familiarise yourself with the different visualisation tools available, including principal component analysis (PCA), volcano plots and feature summary charts.
  • See how to create class prediction models for classification of unknown samples.  

Course content - video lessons

  1. Creating & running an untargeted method
  2. Creating a new untargeted project
  3. Overview of visualisation tools
  4. Creating a prediction model
  5. Using a prediction model
  6. Alignment
  7. Creating & running a targeted method
  8. Creating a new targeted project
  9. Creating a new project using .csv data

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