Analysis of odours and emissions from automotive textiles and trimmings by thermal desorption with GCxGC–TOF MS

This study demonstrates the use of direct desorption of various textiles and trimmings prior to analysis by thermal desorption (TD) and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with BenchTOF2™ time-of-flightmass spectrometry (GC×GC–TOF MS) to identify malodours and compounds of potential concern.  

Small sections of automotive textiles and trimmings were placed within empty TD tubes to allow volatile emissions to be directly desorbed onto the GCxGCTOF MS, in a future-proofed system capable of going beyond current regulations and to help accelerate research and development of new materials.










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Analysis of odours and emissions from automotive textiles and trimmings by thermal desorption with GC×GC–TOF MS